Through Ayurvedic practices & principles you can learn about your individual needs or
prakruti, what you need to regain balance when experiencing vikruti- imbalance. You can
become part of your own health journey and navigate your healing.
Ayurveda Consultation
Our work together can address:
- Diet and Lifestyle
- Improving energy levels
- Digestive issues- bloating, acidity, constipation, IBS
- Weight issues
- Burnout, depression
- Fertility, pregnancy, child-care
- Skin issues, eczema, psoriasis, acne
- Menstrual issues
- Diabetes, Arthritis & other auto immune disorders
Consultation will include:
- In depth health history
- Dosha analysis-prakruti, including pulse & tongue diagnosis
- Dosha findings-vikruti
- Diet & lifestyle advice based on findings
- Personalised Daily routine
- Exercise recommendations
- Herbal support
- Treatment advice- therapies or detox